
Risse + Wilke Naszym głównym dostawcą materiałów i wieloletnim partnerem biznesowym jest Niemiecka firma Risse + Wilke. Nieoceniona wiedza i ponad wiek doświadczenia firmy Risse + Wilke przekładają się na tworzenie najwyższej jakości stali zimnowalcowanej. Wysokostopowa stal zimnowalcowana, oparta jest na materiale wsadowym ThyssenKrupp AG, jednego ze światowych liderów w zakresie zaawansowanych stopów.

Efektem bliskiej współpracy pomiędzy QSGS Technology i Risse + Wilke jest kontrolowany łańcuch dostaw od huty do gotowego wyrobu. Najwyższą jakość naszych produktów zapewnia stal, której parametry zostały indywidualnie dostosowane do potrzeb produkcyjnych naszej firmy.

Wspólnie z Risse + Wilke prowadzimy prace badawcze nad nowymi materiałami do produkcji najwyższej jakości narzędzi. Doświadczenie i wiedza Risse + Wilke wpisują się w koncepcję i kierunek rozwoju naszej firmy.
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Ceratizit armoth ceratizit
ALO Wieloletni partner QSGS Technology dostarczający innowacyjne rozwiązania technologiczne wykorzystywane przy produkcji naszych narzędzi.

We are very pleased to announce another delivery of our bi-metal band saw hardening system, ALO 198-ILT Mk.II., this time to company QSGS Technology in Poland. ALO and QSGS have a history of a fruitful co-operation where ALO has been a trusted supplier since years, delivering the latest setting and induction hardening solutions for QSGS production of band saw blades.

"We decided to purchase hardening and tempering line from ALO after long and profound analysis of all manufacturers available on the market. We liked very much the new ALO solutions allowing decreasing production cost, while maintaining at the same time the quality of hardening and tempering process," said Jan Klepuszewski, the president of QSGS Technology. "Line purchasing was another step in technology development in QSGS. Now we are prepared to offer raw material (steel strip) for band saw production as well as the high quality ready-to-cut blades branded Armoth for woodcutting. Additionally we can supply semi-finished products e.g. toothed blades, toothed and sharpened blades etc. We will keep our fingers crossed for next ALO ideas which will help in further development of QSGS Technology."
alo1 QSGS have recognized the advantages and benefits of the ALO 198 system and chose ALO to provide an upgrade solution to their production. We are honoured and pleased to work with a quality oriented company like QSGS, this system will help QSGS in their continuing efforts to produce with high quality standards to a competitive cost per meter.

The newest generation of induction pre-heaters are very cost effective as the heaters have a significantly higher efficiency compared to conventional induction heating systems.The new type of induction pre-heaters save about 65% in terms of energy cost per meter band saw blade compared to previous induction pre-heating systems. The result is significant savings using this new technology.

The concept with 2 times in-line tempering minimizes the handling and processing time of the bands as they are ready in terms of heat treatment when being coiled on the outgoing side of the line.

The system also stores all production parameters, such as temperatures and speeds that can be recalled next time the same product/size is being produced. By the touch of a button the parameters are uploaded to the process. This minimizes set up times between sizes and more importantly it helps you to produce the same quality time after time.